SAE Institute Brisbane

Current address, telephone number, work hours, people's testimonies SAE Institute Brisbane. This company belongs to the following categories: establishment and university. You can find SAE Institute Brisbane at Jane Street, West End, Queensland 4101.


Postal address:
Jane Street, West End, Queensland 4101
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Phone number:
+61 7 3850 2000

Establishment   University  

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Reviews about SAE Institute Brisbane

  • Gerrit Andryk
    ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
    If you don't have any prior experience in Film from High School or self taught over time, you're going to have a difficult time keeping up with the work load. Particularly for the Diploma which adds even more content to an already condensed timeframe.

    Facilities and staff (from my perspective only) are professional and well versed in their field largely because they seem to be part time only and are actively working in the industry.
  • Tim Knox
    ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
    SAE is probably the worst thing to happen to the creative industry so far in Australia. With prices that rise every year (yes this is while you are completing your chosen course.. deferring is a terrible idea) SAE and other private universities that are taking advantage of FEE help are so expensive compared to mainstream universities that they would have to deliver a better service to be worth it.. which is not the case. No real pre-requisites are expected so they mainly rely on ensnaring young or not fully informed people into their courses. The only people who ended up working in the industry out of maybe 60 or so people that started or joined the course, throughout the 2 years I was there (so many people drop out that your original class withers down to about 5 and is bolstered by those struggling from years before you) only 2 are hired in the industry and that is low paying jobs in SAE itself. The debt your left with is not comparable with the pay you would receive in creative industries in Australia except, maybe, at the top echelons. I advise you to review the pricing and then look at law or medicine courses... you pay more to be a live sound tech.. which is insane. The staff have a very unprofessional way of dealing with students and are constantly changing their course structure because its constantly failing.. this could be seen as improving but I never saw any evidence of that.
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